Chair Yoga Explained


Here Veronica explains what chair yoga is. And what it is not.


Chair Yoga is

It IS something that everyone and anyone can do; if you are breathing you can do yoga

It IS about connecting with your breath and your body

It IS a personal and individual practise


Chair Yoga is not

Its NOT about straining yourself to get into strange and unnatural positions

Its NOT about exerting yourself beyond your natural movements and reach

Its NOT about having to do anything because someone else can or a text book says so

Its NOT about competing

Its NOT about doing something and then having to keep doing it if it doesn’t feel right

Its NOT about feeling uncomfortable

Its NOT about doing anything and NOT feeling good about it

Its NOT something that can't be done at any level

Its NOT pushing past the pain. You should NEVER be in pain!!!

Its NOT about the end result , its about the journey

Its NOT about what you see on the outside, it's about the shift on the inside

Its NOT an exercise class

Its NOT about anyone else